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I am Meagan and thank you for visiting this website! I am currently in JC2, studying in Raffles Institution. I love water sports and photography! My friends either call me auntie or comedian, so I like to think I'm quite funny!

I don't like to see people in pain so my raison d'etre is to bring happiness and love as much as I can. "To comfort always" is a life verse I always try to live by. 

When I was 12, I underwent a spinal fusion surgery to correct the curvature of my spine and I was extremely blessed to have been a recipient of so much love and comfort. This strengthened my resolve to give this love back to the world too, who has given me so much. 

My Involvements outside School

My areas of passion are in the elderly, particularly elderly living alone and addressing social inequality. My dream is to build this communal space called "Lim Kopi" where anyone can gather at HDB void decks to have supper and chat. This allows our elderly to make friends with each other and youths, so that we can improve intergenerational harmony. However, because of the pandemic and my studies, I do not have the opportunity to embark on this yet.


There are three main areas I am involved in outside of school: BAM (which I would not elaborate further), Access and Meet the People sessions. 


I am a new and the youngest member of Access where we provide non-academic opportunities for underprivileged students who might not receive sufficient support from their school to advise them on higher education. I am in the Programmes Team, where we craft and brainstorm session packages to propose to schools. Most recently, I was part of this working team where we had to come up with 4 sessions together with Shell to bring to schools. 


I am also a volunteer writer at weekly Meet the People (MPS) sessions since 2018. I have taken a break for now to study for my A Levels. There are so many learning experiences I have in MPS that it is impossible for me to concise it here but being a writer here for 4 years and counting was definitely instrumental in the growth of my character. 


A common point in all 3 of these projects is that I am/was the youngest in the team at one point in time. This initially attracted critics who doubted my ability to lead or be tasked with heavy responsibilities. This was brutal at the start but I took things in stride and it moulded my character so that I could be the stronger and more resilient person I am today. 




My Involvements in School

My journey of service began in 2016 when I first joined secondary school. Throughout the years, I have volunteered with many organisations such as KK Hospital, Ren Ci Hospital, YMCA Singapore, Doctors Without Borders, Canberra Youth Network to name a few. I have also pioneered many Values-In-Action (VIA) projects for example, Project Lighthouse, Project Embrace, The Sweet People and Empowering Generation Z, all of them targeting different groups of beneficiaries from former offenders to Scoliosis patients. 


I believe in giving back in whatever way I can so I am an active tutor too. I volunteered with Good Shepherd Student Centre as a tutor in secondary school before joining Empowering Generation Z as an ExCO in JC to give tuition to underprivileged children. In J2, to earn some allowance, I also give Chinese tuition. 


In 2018, I was conferred the RGS Sisters at Heart Award and in 2019, I was conferred the RGS Heart of Gold Award. I am honoured and humbled to have been able to share about my service journey to small groups as well as to the whole school. None of these was possible if I do not have such a strong support system in school and at home. 


Currently in JC, I focus more on my projects outside because they are much more sustainable and free of school restrictions. They also allow me to interact with people from all walks of life so that I can widen my social circle. 

My Leadership Journey 

I held many small leadership appointments all through my academic life from Vice-head Prefect in primary school, to Class Chairperson and Guitar Ensemble's Vice-chairperson in secondary school and to Dragonboating Vice-captain in JC. However, my leadership journey was not a bed of roses. The world insists that confident and charismatic leaders were the most sought after such that all through my life, I tried my hardest to be this person that the world adores. Public speaking was never my forte but whenever I felt nervous before giving a speech, I repeatedly chanted to myself, "fake it till you make it." On the outside, I felt I was pretty successful at hiding but this mentality was so toxic that this became my constant source of insecurity. How I managed to get out of this rut is quite lengthy to be put in words but somehow I told myself, screw this I am going to be genuine even at the cost of the world gawking at my vulnerability. 


What I want for you who is reading this to take away is not woah she's so inspiring (I don't think so myself too) but nice, I can do it too. The world tells us that leaders are born not made but please allow me to dispel the myth right now. The only hallmark of a good leader is their heart — their love for the cause they are championing and their love for the people who are championing together with them. I know I can't win your heart with a speech but I am confident that I can win your heart through my actions and my conviction in what I do.


Please don't let yourself fall prey to this mentality that you are good enough and deserving only if you achieve a certain gold standard. Please don't put others up on a pedestal and yourself in the dust. Be confident and proud of yourselves my friends. Carry your heart everywhere you go and don't be afraid to love and love again because we can never run out of love. 


Follow me on my photography adventures @meagchicken on Instagram! Please feel free to connect with me through DM :) 

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